Synchronization of AD user accounts

If you are using the CallGuide AD Adapter sub product, user accounts can be imported to Telia CallGuide from the Microsoft Active Directory service.

A file with user accounts can be extracted from an AD and be loaded into CallGuide AD Adapter. Then in order for CallGuide Database to accept synchronization from CallGuide AD Adapter, the concerned organisation areas must be specified as described in the document Configuration Instructions CallGuide AD Adapter.

A user account created via CallGuide AD Adapter is seen in CallGuide Admin

Anyone going to administrate imported users must be given

The descriptive name automatically set for subarea and access role, "Import" in the example above, can vary depending e.g. on the installed language in CallGuide Database.


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB